It Takes A Village
The East Bank District is more than just a city block of entertainment. It is the center of a community. Our band of businesses has been blessed to have the support of so many other businesses who champion the growth of our city. The partners you see below have made substantial investments into developing our district for the sake of our city's benefit. We hope you choose to support them with all of the zeal you have supported our local businesses.
Red Dirt Hat Co.
It's rare that we find a company as passionate as ourselves about building relationships that form an entertainment scene. The owners of Red Dirt Hat Co. are cut from the same cloth as us and it has been our privilege to partner with these guys to build a Red Dirt music scene in NWLA. Buy some gear from these guys! Every big name artist we know in the Red Dirt scene is rocking their gear.
Margaritaville Resort & Casino
What a cool partnership! Margaritaville Resort & Casino provides superior lodging for our regional musicians that play in Hurricane Alley. It's all the talk amongst our traveling music acts. Giving these musicians an awesome place to play and stay, is a big part of growing a music scene in Bossier City, LA.
Tubbs Hardware & Cajun Gifts
Don Tubbs and The Tubbs Family have had roots in the East Bank since 1922. It has been our pleasure to work with him during the redevelopment of our district. It's been even cooler to partner with his local hardware and cajun gift superstore, to provide our out of towners with a unique shopping experience. We bring you our very best of a true Louisiana experience averytime you visit. But it's not complete until you have grabbed you some beeds or Cajun souvenirs to take back home to your family. Don't miss a trip to Tubbs. It's a part of the full experience.